Clay Brick Production in Southern Africa
The SADC Clay Brick Survey gathered intelligence and benchmarks on clay brick production across Southern Africa. With a deeper understanding of the industry and the relevant stakeholders in each country, we are better positioned to identify possible areas of intervention and support.
Methods used to gather information included extensive internet research, as well as emails, questionnaires and telephone calls to producers and various other stakeholders. At Coetzee was appointed to head up the Survey. As former Executive Director of the CBA, he is well-known in the industry and has wide knowledge of clay brick production.
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a regional organisation consisting of 15 Member Countries, with the goal of promoting socio-economic cooperation and integration. This report gives the overall findings of the SADC Clay Brick Survey, undertaken in 2016 by Swisscontact, in collaboration with the CBA (Clay Brick Association of Southern Africa). The report was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as part of the Energy Efficient Clay Brick (EECB) project implemented in South Africa by Swisscontact.
Countries Surveyed
- Angola
- Botswana
- Lesotho
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mauritius
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Seychelles
- South Africa
- Swaziland
- Tanzania
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe