SA Institute of Architects (SAIA)

The Clay Brick Association is an Affiliate Member of the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA)

Architects are educated professionals, keen to expand their knowledge on the latest trends and materials.  The Institute of Architects organizes regular events and webinars that provide insights on the latest building design trends and techniques. They are a forum to discuss topics and issues relating to their profession. The CBA sponsors various regional events, our way to forge strong relationships with the Institute and local architects.

"It is all about engaging in conversations and networking and building relationships,"  says CBA Executive Director Mariana Lamont.

"Attendance at events gives brickmakers an opportunity to proactively interact and network, and really listen to their issues and identify how we can adapt to these important decision-makers. It is a great opportunity interact with industry influencers, and learn their independent views and perspectives."

Architects are key influencers and decision-makers - it is important to the clay brick industry that they are aware of the energy-efficiency benefits of clay brick, and where possible to specify it early in the design phase. Architects are experienced and knowledgeable influencers when dealing with home owners and developers.

The Cape Institute for Architecture (CIfA)

The CBA was proud to be the main sponsor for the CIfA's month-long series of Woman in Architecture (WIA) events, that will built and strengthened our relationship with the institute and local architects .

"Thank you for your most generous support of this event, responded CIfA President Nicola Irving. "It feels most appropriate that clay - one of the first materials from which we created vessels to contain ourselves - giving shelter, warmth and security, and a very feminine narrative, was the sponsor for this event."


Economical & Practical

energy savings

Energy Efficient & Sustainable


Desirable & Stylish